Sale one-room apartment in Kyiv Pecherskiij district metro Либідська Сomplex ЖК Французький квартал 2 Predslavinska Str.
Sale apartment in Kyiv
135 000 $
5 548 500 UAH
124 685 €
Predslavinska Str.
37 m²
1 room
floor 19 / 24
Object description
Center LCD "French Quarter 2". Sale 1-k per 19 \ 24 p. The total area is 37sq.m, balcony, dressing room. Species on Pechersk. The apartment is furnished and equipped with the necessary home appliances for your comfortable accommodation as well as a profitable rent. In the apartment: - floor heating - System comes - Sigenization. - an apartment owned more than 3 years, sales without taxes -Deal investment. ✔ The house is a stylish entrance area, there is: - two elevators; - its closed area, playground; - a system of restriction of access to the house and to the floor; - Underground parking, the elevator lowered from the floor of the apartment to the parking. - cafes, shops, restaurants, beauty salons. m. "Libidskaya", shopping center "Oshen Plaza" 5 min. on foot.