Object description
It is offered 2-room. Apartment for rent, in the LCD Avangard (95a Holosiivskyi Ave.), Exhibition Center - 7 min. The apartment with author repair, is fully furnished. Kitchen with all household appliances and utensils. In the apartment: living room, kitchen and dining room - are in one cozy, combined space. Sleeping headset with a double bed. The living room is a large, comfortable sofa. In the dining area, a table with a magnification function. For guests there is a convenient bed-transformer in a separate room. A stunning look from windows to the forest, Dnipro, Protas Yar, on a golden -domed temple and much more. From the bay window, sitting on the floor with heating, or sitting in the Kreslya Kconic, it is possible to observe the forest and VDNG park. The apartment was made for itself, so in the apartment used quality, ecologists of metal. The apartment has five floor heating zones, a parquet floor, three air conditioning, a water filter, a convenient water switch on an apartment, two TV smart, a boiler, five built-in cabinets and more. The house has its closed protected area, guest parking, children's and sports grounds. The commission is 50%
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+380730691999 Svetlana